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Intensive Intervention Support

Intensive Intervention Support services are offered that involve:

  • The establishment of a PBS Team around an individual who is demonstrating severe problem behaviour.
  • Facilitation of a Functional Behaviour Assessment by the Team.  This will enable all members of the Team to develop and share new insights into the meanings, functions and outcomes the behaviour may have from the person’s perspective.
  • Facilitation of the construction of a PBS Plan by the Team.
  • Implementation of the Plan by Gary Radler directly with the individual.
  • Transfer of implementation responsibilities to the Team by Gary demonstrating the strategies in the plan. This results in staff gaining confidence and feedback about their new skills and ways of engaging with the person in ways that minimise the likelihood of old or new problems.
  • Joint supervision of implementation with existing relevant managers.

If you would like a costing or wish to refer an individual for this service please contact me at or on 0417 340 994

Important Notes


This is an expensive service, given the amount of professional input and time required, that should only be considered when all other efforts to address the person’s problem behaviour have failed


The service will only be offered under a formal contract which will include the following conditions:

  • The organisations involved agree to implement with fidelity, commitment and consistency the Positive Behaviour Support Plan that is developed.
  • The organisations will provide staff with agreed time and other resources required to fulfil their responsibilities, including time to be trained in the PBS Plan.
  • Gary will share the responsibility for supervising relevant staff in the implementation of the plan with existing line supervisors.